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Helena Chemical
440 N. Main St.
Woodstown, New Jersey
- July 21
- August 18
- September 22
- October 20
Helena Chemical
66 Route 206
Hammonton, New Jersey
- July 14
- August 11
- Sept. 15
- Oct. 13
Rutgers Fruit and Ornamental
Research Extension Center
283 Route 539
Cream Ridge, NJ 08514-9634
- July 28
- August 25
- September 29
- October 27
Plastic Pesticide Container Processing Steps and Size Limits
- All pesticide containers must be either triple rinsed or pressure rinsed, drained and dry
inside; - All pesticide containers must be free of residue (other than stains);
- The booklet must be removed (it is not necessary to remove the paper labels glued to the
container); - Foil seal must be removed;
- Only non-refillable pesticide containers will be accepted – you must drill a ¼-inch hole in the
bottom o the container or with a utility knife make a 6-inch slit in the bottom of the container so
the container w not hold liquids; - Only pesticide containers embossed with HDPE or the recycling #2 will be accepted;
- Pesticide containers up to 55-gallons in capacity will be accepted. 5-gallon pales must be cut
in half; 30-gallon containers into at least 4 pieces; and 55-gallon containers into at least 8
pieces. This can be accomplished using a sawszall, chainsaw, circular saw, or reciprocating saw. It
is not necessary to cu up containers less than 5-gallons; and Pesticide containers must have
originally held an EPA register pesticide.
Items that Will Not Be Accepted and Will Be Returned to the Participant
- Pesticide containers with dried formulation on the container, pour spout or the spout threads;
- Pesticide containers with any liquid residue;
- Pesticide containers where the insides are caked with dried residue;
- Mini-bulk, saddle tanks and nurse tanks, which can be made of fiberglass;
- Pesticide containers with lids; or
- Containers that held any type of petroleum oil product or antifreeze.
Non-Waxy Cardboard
Helena Chemical will also be accepting non-waxy cardboard 1 p.m. to 3 p.m and during the scheduled
pesticide container collection times. The clean non-waxy cardboard must be broken down and
flattened. Cardboard delivered to the Atlantic County site must be tied. Clean Non-waxy cardboard
will also be accepted year-round at the Cumberland County Solid Waste Complex’s Convenience Center.
1 CORE credit given if you take your NJ Pesticide License with you to drop off.
More information can be found at